
Tag: Trayvon Martin (page 11)

George Zimmerman : Witness Support and Legal Recap

I've made a new category called "Reference Docs" for the George Zimmerman case. It is for handy access to things like the witness interviews and case photos and maybe some legal documents. I'll be adding to it over the next few days.

I also made a special set of commenting rules for the George Zimmerman case. Please read them.

On to witnesses: Many have focused on Witness 6 (John) and Witness 13, but I'd encourage everyone to listen to the later interviews of W-11, who was the first to call 911 and lives with Jeremy at 1211 Twin Trees Lane. Her audio interviews are available here. [More....]

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Commenting Rules for George Zimmerman -Trayvon Martin Case

Due to the inflamed passions and emotional intensity generated by the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, TalkLeft has instituted additional commenting rules applicable to this case.

Please understand TalkLeft is not a neutral site While a lot of factual and legal research go into my posts, and I strive for accuracy (and will correct any inaccuracies) this is a criminal defense site. I view every case through the lens of the Constitution and from the perspective of the person accused or under investigation. My goal is always to protect the rights of those accused of crime.

I personally moderate comments on my posts about this case. Those that I think violate the rules will be deleted. Since I do have a day-job, and may not get around to moderating comments more than a few times a day, I highly recommend you save your comment on your own computer in case it gets deleted. I recognize that commenters with opposing views put a lot of thought and time into their comments on this case, and my intent in deleting a comment is not to deprive you of your hard work, but only to keep it from appearing on TalkLeft if it violates our rules and principles.

Commenters must follow our general commenting rules, but in particular, and in addition:

  • URL's must be in html format because long ones skew the margins of the site and it can take hours to find the comment causing it. There is a link button at the top of the comment box you can use to highlight the words in your comment you want hyperlinked and then paste in the url. Please preview your comment before posting. I cannot edit comments here, only delete them.
  • No use of profanity (you can use asterisks in place of one or more letters);
  • No misstating the law, no misrepresenting disputed facts as undisputed truths;
  • No character attacks on either Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman (which means no discussion of school suspensions or the contents of their Twitter, FB or My Space pages);
  • No declarations Zimmerman is guilty. You may state your opinion, provided you state it as your opinion and not as fact.
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  • The posts on this case are about the facts of the case, the investigation, the applicable law, the legal proceedings, and the media coverage (including bias and errors in reporting.) They are not about the broader subjects of race, gun laws and politics, and unless specifically referred to in the post, comments about those broader topics will generally be deemed off-topic and deleted.
  • If you want to discuss a facet of the case I have not addressed, you can do so in an open thread. We have open threads almost every day.

I realize there are hundreds of sites on the internet discussing this case and TalkLeft's commenting rules are stricter than most, if not all of them. But TalkLeft is not the Government, it is a private site, and commenting here is not a right. My goal is to provide intelligent discourse, without unfair prejudice to the rights of the accused.

If you've read this far, and you still want to comment, thank you for your understanding and patience. If you don't, you are still welcome to browse, and I hope you find the end result to be a rational and informative discussion of the particular aspects of the case we have chosen to cover.

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Witness Interviews in George Zimmerman Case

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Zimmerman Tapes: Variations Versus Differences

We need another thread to continue the analysis of the George Zimmerman statements, interviews with police and crime-scene re-enactment.

So many were released yesterday, I doubt anyone but true case afficionados have listened to them all. I know I haven't. Yet across the internet, people are cherry-picking, pointing to minor variations as if they are contradictions affecting the totality of George Zimmerman's version of events.

If George Zimmerman told the exact same story over the course of days, people would say it was rehearsed and false. Variations are to be expected, human memory is not like a video recorder, it changes over time. So what is a reasonable test? How about this? [More...]

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George Zimmerman Statements and Reenactment Released

Attorney Mark O'Mara has released George Zimmerman's written statement, his audio interviews and the video of the re-enactment of the scene (which disappointingly doesn't show anything but a parked car -- it's really an audio of the re-enactment.)

All of the recordings are available here.

I've only read the written statement and listened to the re-enactment so far, so I'll update later today with my thoughts after I've had an opportunity to listen to all the interviews.

Update: For reference, here is the transcript of the 911 call.

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Sanford Officially Fires Former Police Chief Bill Lee

Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte has issued a press release stating Police Chief Bill Lee, who has been on paid leave since he submitted his resignation in April, has been terminated.

"After much thoughtful discussion and deep consideration for the issues facing the City of Sanford, I have determined the Police Chief needs to have the trust and respect of the elected officials and the confidence of the entire community. We need to move forward with a police chief that all the citizens of Sanford can support. I have come to this decision in light of the escalating divisiveness that has taken hold of the city."

Interim chief Richard W. Myers will stay on the job while they search for a permanent replacement. I wonder why Myers isn't getting the job permanently.

I don't read much into this. I've seen nothing official to indicate he is being fired because he didn't arrest George Zimmerman right after the shooting, or that the initial determination that they lacked evidence to dispute that Trayvon Martin's shooting was an act of self-defense, was wrong. It was just unpopular with the public, causing friction in the community. This seems to be tying up loose ends, so that Sanford can stop paying his salary when they know he's not returning to the position.

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George Zimmerman Jail Transcripts and Bank Records

I've uploaded the George Zimmerman jail transcripts and bank records. The transcripts are all in one document so you don't have to download 6 separate transcripts. The bank records may take a while to open, as they are 34 pages and 2.64 MB.

The links to the audio of the calls are here.

Update: Mark O'Mara told Piers Morgan tonight he will introduce another conversation at the June 29 bail hearing. In it, George and Shellie discuss her testifying at the April 20 hearing. George tells her, "Before you testify, pray first and tell the truth." [More...]

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O'Mara Releases 6 Jail Calls, Seeks Reconsideration For Remainder

Update: I've uploaded the transcripts and bank records here.

Mark O-Mara, attorney for George Zimmerman, has posted the full audiotapes of the six jail calls between Zimmerman and his wife on the website he maintains for the case.

He has also filed a motion asking the judge to reconsider its previous order and keep the remaining jail calls and a statement of W-9 private. W-9 will not be a witness for either party and her statement, which is inflammatory, is not admissible. The state has released the credit union bank records and transcripts of the six calls. I assume the media will publish these.

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George Zimmerman: Bank Surveillance and New Discovery

New Discovery will be out this morning in the George Zimmerman case. It may just be the audio tapes and/or transcripts of the 6 jail calls between George Zimmerman and his wife Shellie Zimmerman.

While we're waiting, here's a question: When the state filed its list of items included in the second round of discovery turned over to O'Mara last week, the list included surveillance video of M&I Bank on Feb. 26, 2012.

Many assumed, including me, it was video of Shellie Zimmerman when she was transferring money. But, it can't be: It was taken on Feb. 26, 2012, the day of the Trayvon Martin shooting, which was a Sunday, and the bank was closed. All that would have been open was an ATM. So what is the significance of the camera surveillance? Some ideas below: [More...]

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Zimmerman's Bail Bond Agents to Testify at Bond Hearing

Mark O'Mara, attorney for George Zimmerman, filed a pleading today stating he would call two witnesses from All Star Magic Bail Bonds at the June 29 hearing for bond.

I assume they will testify of the difficulty the family had in coming up with the $15,000. bond premium, as evidence that George and Shellie Zimmerman didn't think of the money raised by the website as their money, but money earmarked for legal fees, living expenses while waiting for trial and creditors. O'Mara has said in the past that the Zimmerman's didn't fully appreciate that the money belonged to them.

O'Mara has said he explained to Zimmerman why his belief was wrong, and he now understands.

Shorter version: Zimmerman wasn't lying, just mistaken, and had no intent to deceive the court.

Will he get another bond? Absolutely, in my view. First, he's legally entitled to it. Second, he will have spent 29 days in jail for his mistake -- that's a steep enough penalty. The judge is not concerned Zimmerman is a flight risk. He may not even raise the bond amount since the money is no longer under Zimmerman's control, but the control of a independent third party trustee. [More..]

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Judge Orders Release of George Zimmerman's Statements to Police

The Judge in the George Zimmerman case has ruled that George Zimmerman's police interviews and statements are not confessions because they contain no admission of guilt and therefore must be supplied to the media within 15 days. A copy of the order is here. It states:

Upon an in camera review of the Defendant's statements, they do not qualify as confessions, as the Defendant does not acknowledge guilt of the essential elements of the crime. The only element conceded by the Defendant is that he shot and killed the victim, but he does not concede any other elements of second-degree murder. Fla. Stat. §119.071(2)(e) does not exempt the statements from the public record. Since the Defendant admitted at his bond hearing that he shot the victim, disclosure of those statements will not impact the Defendant's right to a fair trial.


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George Zimmerman: Written Order vs. Oral Ruling at Bail Hearing

At the hearing to revoke bond on June 1, 2012, Judge Kenneth Lester said he would issue a written order. Yesterday, he issued his order, which you can read here.

Interestingly, he writes for the first time that the state's evidence is "strong." The state chose not to present evidence on the facts of the case at the April 20 bond hearing, relying instead on its affidavit. The only testimony at the hearing on the facts of the case came from the state investigator, called by the defense, who acknowledged weaknesses in the state's case. The state's affidavit of probable cause, which as has been endlessly discussed, was a one-sided portrayal with factual inaccuracies and no mention defendant's claim of self-defense. It didn't contain evidence of the elements of second degree murder. [More...]

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